
[That is good to know. I have been waiting for someone that has used this to post. So I will be monitoring your progress carefully.

Good luck.

Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work for me. Other than what I remember from reading these three threads, I'm clueless when it comes to paint.

Here's what I've learned:
-The paint has been curing very well within the 24 hour window.
-Excellent gloss but looking first-hand at a wetsanded finish, I'm finding it hard to believe that that jaw-dropping shine can be brought back with my bare hands (A little encouragement here would be cool).

I'm at a crossroads where things could easily turn ugly from here, as I just wetsanded for my first time... EVER. Using 600 grit I knocked down the brush strokes and achieved a smooth surface fairly easily, sanding through in a couple spots but I'm getting the hang of it.

This image has given me a bit of hope:

One thing that concerns me has been these small, shiny spots. Previous layer??? Is the remedy a thicker third coat?

Last edited by Blackstone; 07/03/07 09:06 PM.