
Hey Jax--you only want to use that rusty metal primer on metal that is actually rusted. It contains fish oil and will not be suitable on clean metal. If the oil isn't able to soak into the rusty metal it will wick back up into your finish coat. Use clean metal primer on non-heavily rusted metal. That's what I'm going to use, and I'll roll it on.

Conner, I don't get that, why on earth would they make a primer that doesn't work with their own paint? Just doesn't make sense to me. Is this from experience or heresay? I'm not saying your wrong, I just don't see the value in such a product as primer is generally accepted as a base for other paint layers. I looked at a can of it about a week ago and don't remember seeing a warning saying anything like "use only with XXXXXX topcoat". Thanks for the warning though, I'll investigate it before proceeding.