Ok, I couldn't hold out any longer and I dove into painting my car finally. First I did second coat on my test spoiler though. I didn't need to add any more mineral spirits to my paint. The consistancy seemed the same since I mixed it and the bubbles on my stirs stick would pop by themselves or when I'd blow on them. So I did my first coat and it looks how I imagined it would. I didn't realize that painting a white car white would be tough. It was hard to see what was painted but i got the hang of it. I waited about 7 hours and I tested the paint. Tried to scratch it and it was really hard. I figured that would be my ok to paint another coat. Second coat went on as good as the 1st. Really easy process. All my bubbles popped almost instantly. No dripping or anything either (a few exceptions). So as soon as a finish my second coat.. guess what happens... it starts to rain! gah.. luckly it was more of a drizzly and only lasted a minute or two. The paint was dry enough on the parts that I started with (the hood, fenders, etc) that I could do a very like blotting with a microfiber towel to absorb the water drops. Well, after I finished getting all those damn water drops off the car it rained again. This went on for about a hour or 2. The paint doesn't really seem affected at all. I will inspect it tomorrow and take pictures. My second coat is starting to cover some of the primer but I am thinking maybe 4 coats will cover everything completely. I am thinking to do more than 6 coats. Are there any advantages to doing more than 6?

I ordered 150$+ worth of Zaino products today.. for my wife's car of course...which she doesn't really have one yet... so I guess I get to use it for now.. yay ^_^ Going to test the turtle wax stuff and other brands that were mentioned on the boards too:)
