
Exit1965 what I said to do is 2 coats sand with 600 do 2 more coats sand with 600 do 2 more coats sand with 600 and then one single coat and then sand with 2000. Also what I was saying is that 1000 and 1500 grit cut really fast and if you just do 6 coats without sanding with 600 and doing one more single coat it's easy to sand through to the next layer of paint and it will leave shiny rings in the paint because the layer under the top is shiny and they will not polish out. They kind of look like ghost images in the paint. If you sand with 600 and do one final single coat then sand with 2000 if you cut through the top layer of paint you will not get the rings in your paint because the layer under it was not shiny. I have to see if I have good picture of the rings.

jeffs - i was wondering when someone would get to that point, i can tell your in the advanced stages of polishing, and wetsanding, the "rings" are a function of going thru the paint, to the next layer. so if you do 2 coats you'll not go thru it with 1500 if you wetsanded between coats because you don't have to remove too much paint by wetsanding. interesting, it took 29 pages in this post for someone to get to the real advanced stages of polishing, but your on the right track, i can tell your polishing is approaching show quality because i encountered the same issue years ago. if i really want to pull off show quality, i'd do 10 coats, and get it perfect.