Whoah, 22 Pages!! We're drinking the Rustoleum Kool-Aid...

Ok guys, i got the second coat done and well not really alot less bubbles this time either but i'm completely out of breath Yea i painted each pannel as if it were the final LOL but IT TURNED OUT NICE! Both of these 2 coats were done with 1 CAN which is 1QUART. The 3rd and 4th coat will be done with the refrigirated can which is back to room temperature, i dunno if it has any bubbles in it yet, i havent opened it (HOpefully not).

Also i'm considering about doing the 3rd 4th coat with this PENETROL mixture, think i should? Will it stick to the RUSTOLEUM-MINERALSPIRIT mixture? I dunno, So far the paint looks pretty shiny under a garage light, havent taken it out in the sun yet. Tommorow i'm taking the car out and into another garage, a closer friends garage where i have more room and lighting. Here are the pics.

I LIKE HOW THE SECOND COAT HAS GONE ON !! ANd this only after second coat, a little to none bubbles.

Nice work...there's a lot to be said about jumping in feet first and painting the whole bit like you're doing. The paint looks a little thick from what I can tell, but hey, you've already applied more than I have in my testing.
Keep us posted... pictures like "buddha civic", "beer fridge", "poorbug's penetrol", and exit's tests help validate this method. Nice work guys!