Originally Posted by CMcAllister
Recent reports have confirmed cases increasing. Politicians and news drones present this as proof that we need to continue to sit home, destroy businesses, wreck the economy and for all intents and purposes, kill our way of life and standard of living. What they are not telling you is that testing has increased ten fold in the past month. Plenty of people had/have this with no or mild adverse effects. And now the testing is verifying and reflecting this. It is not an indication of a "spike" or "second wave". More dishonest, incomplete and/or taken out of context reporting. When they have to be dishonest, there is a reason for it.

They have people in a panic. I don't get flu shots or act silly during flu season. I do things to buck up my immune system. I haven't been incapacitated by any of this crap for many years. I am not afraid of this and I refuse to cower. There is a small chance I may get it. There's a smaller chance I may realize I have some symptoms. A smaller chance of being laid up, Much smaller chance of being critically ill. And a tiny, insignificant chance of dying. Fact.

But I AM scared to death that the "sky is falling" crowd is being allowed to kill everything. Businesses ARE dying, jobs ARE being killed, Restaurants and Mom & Pop stores ARE gone forever. Investments ARE gone. And even though many people don't give a damn, a subject that is of great concern to me as this effects everything I do, racing organizations and tracks ARE closing and folding. And people have stopped spending money. That's no maybe, no .001 chance of happening, it's real. And it's unnecessary.

So while some of you may be enjoying your little vacation sitting home on your ass getting paid, or retired and/or financially secure and don't care for now, when we come out the other side and much of what you took for granted is gone, then maybe you'll understand why people are pi$$ed and screaming bloody murder today.

On the 2pm daily PA Health news conference today, the he/she was asked during the question & answer period, how they plan to count anyone that goes in and gets an "antibody test" to see if they had the Corona at some point in the past and didn't know it... He/she said that "Anti-body positive" tests will be counted as "New Cases" as soon as they are actually reported to the State. The fact they are not sick, and do not currently HAVE corona and likely recovered months ago is completely irrelevant. They will be counted NOW, as a NEW case. Thus giving the appearance that new Covid cases are rising, when in fact what is rising are the number of anti-body tests being given now and merging those numbers with actual real new cases.

Also said they will finally release the real PA Nursing Home stats by Friday, that they have been refusing to release for weeks. whistling

Basically nothing being reported in PA now reflects the actual CURRENT condition of the State.
They are mixing the old with the new, and reporting it all as NEW. eyes

Oh and the Gov held a morning press conference to proclaim he will withhold State funding from all of the counties (6-8 so far) refusing to follow HIS orders. Since his credibility is now shot, and local Sheriffs & District Attorneys are refusing to enforce rules they say are too hap hazard and nonsensical to implement... he has resorted to EXTORTION. flame

It's getting interesting living in this State these days...
If sky high Property taxes weren't enough to get people to leave it... maybe becoming Little Russia will do the trick.