Canadian Doctor Matt Strauss

Sample quote

Some have suggested that using that delay to increase life support capacity
(i.e. sourcing mechanical ventilators)
in hospital intensive care units could help.
Sadly, preliminary (and limited) data suggests that up to 90 percent of COVID-19 patients who go on life support will die. So ‘more ventilators’ does not seem like the game-changer we seek. As a life support specialist, myself, I am greatly chagrined to admit this.
Germany currently has identified 31,554 active COVID-19 cases, and has had 149 deaths. While in South Korea around 120 of its 9,000 COVID-19 cases have so far ended in death, leading to a crude mortality rate of 1.3 percent. This downward trajectory of the COVID-19 mortality rate has caused the prominent scientist, Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University, to speculate that it may end up being as low as 0.05 percent.
I am glad that extreme social distancing has been enforced. I do not think that either the young or the old would have taken the pandemic seriously until they saw schools and offices close. But once these measures have proven their effect, and the virus is demonstrably suppressed, public health authorities could consider ratcheting restrictions down in a way that respects demographic vulnerability. Perhaps two weeks from now, healthy people under 40 could return to work provided that they have no vulnerable people in their household. Perhaps a week after that, healthy people aged 40 to 50 could join them, and nurseries could reopen.
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