I just finished eating Pizza, it was great.

I find it a bit amusing that the US government is alarmed at how "fast" the virus appears to be spreading in the US.
Lets see, very few tests until some doctor ordered tests for people he suspected already had the virus. Then, a few weeks after some of the few tests that were ordered showed positive, mass availability of testing appears and they are alarmed to find many people test positive? What exactly did they expect? With first no testing except people already suspected of having the virus, to easily accessible testing, and they find out many people test positive? No fooling? I have 0 medical experience, but even I expected there were probably a lot of people that had not been tested that already had the virus.
But, let those in charge not take advantage of the sudden increase in the number of positive test results. Just look at all the things they can push through that will put a lot of money into a few peoples pockets at the expense of everyone else. In a few short weeks, they have managed to put everyone in the USA, and in most of the world into the care of the world governments. How we all come out on the end of this disaster will depend on who is in charge, and that thought scares me more then this pandemic.

Don't misunderstand me, my wife and I are taking more precautions then we ever did before, which is probable a good thing to some level. I wonder if we, as a country, have gone from one extreme to the other. What I'm saying is, don't let the "current rapid expansion" of the virus distract your watch for those willing and now able to take advantage of the situation. Can you imagine how expensive the "cure drug" for this pandemic could be, once one is found? Probably the best outcome will be if 3 or 4 research facilities find 3 or 4 different cures at about the same time. Then, maybe they can turn all that research towards something like a cure for cancer. Gene