I am sorry that you are having to go through recovery.

Treatments that you can buy without a prescription are

PepcidAC (generic name Famotidine) 4 tablets taken three times a day. Take some Miralax along with Famotidine because there can be constipation.

Melatonin two 3 mg doses per day.

You could ask your MD to prescribe
Luvox (generic name Fluvoxamine)
which has been found in a clinical trial to help Covid-19 patients who are recovering at home.


sample quote

Researchers compared the outcomes of those treated with fluvoxamine to the outcomes of those given an inactive placebo.
After 15 days, none of the 80 patients who had received the drug experienced serious clinical deterioration.
Meanwhile, six of the 72 patients given placebo (8.3%) became seriously ill, with four requiring hospitalization.

end quote

It might be helpful to have someone buy for you a cheap fingertip oximeter


so you could check to make sure the oxygen level in your blood is not dropping too low.
If it drops low go to the ER.