Train your brain to modify stress ?

Sample quote

Here's one technique:
First, briefly complain about what's bothering you. For example: "I can't stop beating myself up for all the things I have done wrong." This activates the reactive wire that has encoded a faulty response and makes rewiring possible.

Then, rapidly express emotions.
Start with a burst of anger,
which decreases stress and keeps the stressed "thinking brain" from becoming stuck in ruminating, zoning out or overanalyzing.

Notice that you can then stay present to your strong, stress-fueled negative emotions, which will then flow rapidly. You can talk yourself through them by finishing phrases like "I feel sad that …"; "I feel afraid that …"; or "I feel guilty that …"

That simple emotional release can ease your stress,
and the previously unconscious unreasonable expectation encoded in the circuit will appear in your conscious mind.

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