To those concerned about ventilator availability, I'm seeing reports from our local medical professionals saying that the machines may do more harm than good in a lot of cases. Survival rates if it comes to a ventilator aren't good.

They are seeing patients in respiratory distress with O2 saturation levels that would indicate needing a machine BUT they are still coherent and able to speak which based on their O2 levels would be highly unlikely.

They are now trying high flow oxygen through a cannula (that plastic thingy they put in your nose) and are seeing better recovery results vs ventilators. The high flow puts positive pressure in the airway which helps inflate the lungs without causing stress to the tissue like the higher pressure ventilator does.

Basically they don't want to ventilate you unless your oxygen levels drop below survival levels or you can't physically breathe.

Something for you to look into FYI should you or someone you know be in the risk group.
