Why hasn’t this emotionally aroused Dr gotten Covid-19, he asks?

Could be he fought it off with T-cells?
Could be that his immune system genes have made him immune to coronaviruses since birth?
Could be his ACE2 receptors are unusual mutants?
Could be that his diet has a large enough quantity of Quercetin that its anti-viral effects led to quickly fighting off the virus?

Could be many things not even yet known to science.

He wants USA citizens to eat a “better” mix of foods,
engage in a “better” set of activities,
not consume “bad” chemicals.

I am in favor of that,
but I personally am less sure about what is better/bad than when I was his age.

Gary Taubes excellent history book “Good Calories, Bad Calories” overturned many diet & exercise assumptions I had.


Taubes later writings about Salt, then later Sugar, and the whole book “Why We Get Fat” are not kind to “conventional thinking.”