Last week I made an appointment to get the first shot of the Covid-19 vaccination on Jan. 21st.

I then went down to Costco Pharmacy and got the first shot of the second generation Shingles vaccination called Shingrix ($159) to get it done well ahead of the Covid-19 shot. That night I did not sleep well and the next day my whole body felt achy. I felt hot like I was running a fever but the thermometer read my normal 97.0 F. The second night after I slept better and the third day I felt normal again.

I always take a longer than normal walk the day before and then right fter a vaccination, a long enough walk to distinctly feel tired.

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Based on prior research, one strategy the researchers suggest is to engage in vigorous exercise and get a good night's sleep in the 24 hours before vaccination so that your immune system is operating at peak performance. This may help ensure that the best and strongest immune response happens as quickly as possible.

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