Interesting that no one mentioned yet that it was announced Friday that the big Hydroxychloroquine Scare in May, where the medical journal The Lancet reported that the drug not only didn't work, but that it was dangerous and killing people.... was all based on Bulls__t data provided by a company "Surgisphere Corporation" that only existed on paper until Feb 2020. (It had no listed employees until Feb... now it has 5, including 1 Doctor (who authored the study), a SyFy writer & a Porn Model. whistling

The the media jumped all over this report in May because it made Trump look bad for recommending it... The CDC advised against continued use, & the WHO stopped clinical trials because of this so called study. I haven't seen the CDC admit they were deceived yet... But the WHO has already announced the restarting of its Hydroxychloroquine clinical studies and trials.

Here are a few of the links... the 1st, is Friday's official retraction...

The 2nd & 3rd are from last week
When other doctors started questioning how there were more people in the study than actually had Covid on the dates given. They give background on how the whole Surgisphere Corporation house of cards unraveled...
Anything to prove Orange man bad. eyes