U of Cincinnati finds a natural lipid fat in the human body that could be used as a nasal spray treatment against Covid-19


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Researchers in this study analyzed the use of this lipid in regulating infection in cultured human cells with SARS-CoV-2 particles added.

"We showed that sphingosine prevented cellular infection in these cultures, and pretreatment of cultured cells or freshly obtained human nasal epithelial cells with low concentrations of sphingosine prevented adhesion of and infection with the virus," says Gulbins.

"These findings indicate that sphingosine prevents at least some viral infection by interfering with the interaction of the virus with its receptor; it could be used as a nasal spray to prevent or treat infections with SARS-CoV-2," he adds. "The nasal spray must be developed, but sphingosine is a natural product. More research is needed to see if this could be a treatment for COVID-19."

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