In the pre-1950 past USA families would sometimes have “measles parties” for their children to get a local epidemic over quickly and allow school to be less disrupted.

There is strong evidence that the measles virus is several times more % deadly than COVID-19 in children.

Has anyone on Moparts heard of a USA family sending their children to a COVID-19 infection party?

Young people who get the virus on purpose and recover in isolation from their family could then potentially “save” an older parent or grandparent by donating convalescent plasma.

Parents are expected to try to save the life of a child,
but at what age (18?)
should a child consider saving the life of an elderly family member by accepting a risk?

We routinely accept that 18 year old males risk their lives for country.

In the present pandemic 18 year old females could save the lives of the elderly with the lowest risk to themselves.