Originally Posted by Doc Fiberglass
YOU need to focus !

The virus needs to get IN THE LUNGS to cause the problems - FROM WHAT I UNDERSTAND.

And if you LICK the ATM keyboard - and STIR UP the virus there - you can then BREATHE IT IN

What kind of Dr. are you anyway? Maybe one side benefit of breathing all those fiberglass fibers for however many years made your lungs impervious to whatever disease is in your bloodstream, regardless of whether it was eaten, breathed in or absorbed from licking the grab handle in the men's room at Cracker Barrel.

In any event, you're somewhat right but if you read between the lines (I know, it's hard) what I'm saying here is that we (good 'ol US of A {sorry, I know too many parentheses in one post, more coming too}) need to stop looking for someone to wave a magic wand and make this situation go away. No matter how hard you try to find some kernel of "hope" that the virus is not as invincible as it appears to be, things are not going to turn around until EVERYONE (doubters included) does their part to help stop the spread of it.

That means public officials need to lock everything down and start working together for the benefit of the people that elected them into office. But whether they ultimately do their jobs or not, people need to stay home so they're not out there breathing on each other. At least that will make it somewhat safer for those of us who need to go out and lick stuff.

'71 Duster
'72 Challenger
'17 Ram 1500