Originally Posted by jcc
Originally Posted by 360view
The reporting of 100% case positive numbers from many sites in Florida is highly suspicious.
It sure seems like a co-ordinated effort to decieve.

Except there is one simple explanation, in that they are reporting, or some are only recording the positive cases, and excluding the negative tests, for which a case can made, resulting in a 100% positive results, which to most people would be a moronic attempt to put one's thumb on the scale for a personal agenda. I can see the logic in only reporting the positive cases, its those calculating and publishing the negative/positive percentages that are using faulty/partial data. Besides nothing in life is 100% that I have seen.

My reading on the details of what happened at those Florida testing sites does not support that explanation.

However, have Florida officials who have “good intentions” done “bat crazy” things in the past?

Remember the female election official in Palm Beach County who created the “Butterfly Ballot” in the year 2000 election?

I do not believe she had any sort of conspiracy intent.