As speculated on at the beginning of this long thread,
Statin drugs have now been found helpful in reducing Covid-19 severity

Sample quote

Among the patients with COVID-19, 27 percent were actively taking statins on admission, while 21 percent were on an ACE inhibitor and 12 percent on an ARB. The median length of hospital stay was 9.7 days for patients with COVID-19.

The researchers found that statin use prior to hospital admission for COVID-19 was associated with a more than 50 percent reduction in risk of developing severe COVID-19, compared to those with COVID-19 but not taking statins. Patients with COVID-19 who were taking statins prior to hospitalization also recovered faster than those not taking the cholesterol-lowering medication.

"We found that statins are not only safe but potentially protective against a severe COVID-19 infection," said Daniels. "Statins specifically may inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection through its known anti-inflammatory effects and binding capabilities as that could potentially stop progression of the virus."

End quote

If at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic,
imagine how many lives would have been saved if
the other 73% of Americans who were not taking a Statin
had begun taking one as Covid-19 protection.

Two cheap, readily available, drugs
PepcidAC and Mevacor
could have made a big difference.