Originally Posted by 360view
In the ray of hope department....

The Wall Street Journal in their Opinion section has an article Wednesday by two doctors who lay out a case that COVID-19 is far less deadly than previous estimates, like Korea’s 0.6%.
They make the case that far more people have been infected and felt little or no symptoms.
They crunch numbers that show that the case fatality rate (CFR) might be even less than 0.1%

If this is true the epidemic will end sooner too,
as a large number of
“quietly recovered and now immune”
people will not be passing on the virus to others,
and further slowing an infection rate
that may also being reduced by springtime seasonal high humidity.

I have been thinking this as well. I had a cold in late January that had me feeling really wiped out. I rarely ever get colds. It has been years since I had one like that.