Originally Posted by CMcAllister
The illness is real. New York City - probably the largest, most densely populated city in the country and never shut mass transit down - had a problem. Lock it down along with New Jersey, Connecticut, eastern PA, no argument from me.

But where I live, I think 2 people were confirmed and I'm not sure anyone even went to the hospital. But everything is still shut down. People out of work, businesses closed that may never reopen. Little pizza shops, restaurants, family owned places that people had their whole lives invested in. One person did that, the Governor, with no advice or input from anyone but the inept, unqualified clown running the health department. A health department that's playing "hide the bologna" with the numbers and even state legislators can't get a straight answer from them. Now we know why you hire the best qualified people instead of the PC choice.

The response for the majority of the country was way overboard and based on computer models that were so far off, it was criminal. What are they going to do? Tell us "sorry about that. Better safe than sorry"? Well great, but this is a little more serious than a weather report they don't get quite right.

What about the pork, poultry and dairy industries? 100s of thousands of pigs killed and buried rather than going to market. Who knows what food prices will look like 6 months from now. WalMart won't be put out of business. But what about the little diner or the take out place I used to go to? They've been shutdown for 2 months. What about the local family run beef or dairy farm?

Ultimately, this falls square in the lap of the Chinese. But there sure are a lot of people here putting the "never let a crisis go to waste" advice into action in ways I didn't think I'd ever see in this country. I think some people have even commented how easy it was to get everyone to submit and comply. Don't think that's not being noted for future reference,

Excellent Reasoning Here! More people should read this AND conclude (or rationalize) that this "Yellow-Brick-Road" we're on MAY NOT lead all of us to OZ.