
I think that viscosity cup would be a great tool for our purposes. I can't seem to find one though. I had to use the method 69DartGt used:
"... the second and later coats I thinned until after I stirred and picked the stir stick up out of the paint I could count to about 10 then the paint would go from a stream to drops if that makes sense. The paint seemed to lay down better much less orangepeel and no rolls, I had to do a lot of sanding after my first coat to get it to were I could paint again."

I did some poking around on the web and apparently the proper name for the viscosity cup you're talking about is a "Zahn Cup"... You measure the time it takes to empty the cup.. It's worth a search with the official name to see if they sell them outright.. According to Wikipedia its a common enough thing in the painting industry..

hope that helps

...maybe pulling an Exit1965 and painting his car white this summer..