Keep the pics coming Marq. Try a straight on pic too if you get a chance. One question, is applying the brightside stressful? I have noticed that using rustoleum is slightly stressful since you're on the lookout for dog hair, runs, missed spots and so forth, but with 2 brushes and a roller, and fast evaporating paint plus all of the above.. sounds like a stressful time. I would probably have my own hair falling into the paint instead of my dogs

Seriously though, if the brightside works well and holds up I wouldn't be against putting some on my dart down the road when I'm ready for a color change, maybe to a dark gray.

I'm making good progress with the rustoleum/mineral spirits. I think another 3 coats over the whole car will do it, then maybe another 1 or 2 on the hood and roof. I like the color a lot. Almost sleeper like..

I set my camera to flourescent light mode, now the actual color of the canvas white can be seen a bit better as opposed to stark white.