
Is there a page were everything needed to get started and basic instructions are listed? 40 Pages is a lot of reading to get caught up on this process... Can someone give a quick lesson from the beginning or refer me to a page where this is (Supplies, mixing ratio, application)?

In a way... I think every user who is thinking about doing this type of paint job on their car SHOULD be reading all the messages.

The problem with just reading a recipe is that you are not fully prepared for all the variables and 'Murphy Law' type events that 'might' happen.

By walking into this project fully informed, you will be in a better position to deal with any curves that might get thrown at you during the process.

I know that like many folks here, I began by reading the original thread and it kept me up for almost four hours as I read every tidbit of information in the thread.

Now that this topic is covering two complete threads, ( the original thread now being archived for posterity and non-deletion ) and ( the current thread which at this moment is touching on 40 pages )... It might be useful for new readers to this thread to at least start their studying at the beginning of this thread.

Not only will the new readers have a better understanding of this painting process, but as well MANY OF THE SIMPLE QUESTIONS will have already been answered and it will cut down on people re-asking questions that have already been fully responded to.
