
wow, so theres no hope using metal armour (the tremco stuff)? i priced the brightside over here, its $120 for 4 litres (gallon) while the metal armour is $60.

any ideas why the metal armour didnt work? its essentially the same stuff as tremclad isnt it? its meant to be used on the same sort of thing anyway.

i seem to remember some other aussie pioneers trying wattyl killrust and white knight metal guard, but those two are epoxy enamels, as opposed to the alkyd enamels like tremclad. would using either of the epoxy enamels have any dire effects that i should know about?

We are using an epoxy coating on our production engine parts. I remember being told by a paint supplier that epoxy paint is very strong, resistant to chemicals but no UV (sun light)protection unless it was some sort of hybread.