A question to those who might know. Now we've pretty much completed our slacker method (me and my friend did his car). It came out nice but I would say we did prob half as good job of probably most the people on here (hey it looks better then before, thats what counts :P).

My question is though, I will be doing this to my car and since I love my car more I will do a lot more testing before I take it to the car, but I haven't gotten the chance to pick up a panel to test yet.

My main question is, would anyone think it would be easier sanding down to near bare metal, or bare metal itself, with something like > http://www.vwtrendsweb.com/tech/0401vwt_super15_s.jpg and then laying thin coats. I'm thinking it might help, maybe it's just me, I could see it needing more coats because of the bareness, but has anyone tried this? I'm sort of interested in doing so (since I want to do gloss white on my black car and I think doing that might be somewhat easier).

Let me know. Also, could you use that same tool to just scuff the paint quickly compared to using a block and paper alone? Advice would be a appreciated.

Last edited by Mattthecommie; 07/30/06 05:39 AM.