
Hey marq: I have been following and tried the brightside flag blue on a test hood- 66 chevy pu. wjile rolling (diluted & full strength) there were bubbles-an uncomfortable amount- but they did pop nearly all of them I guess. But after the paint dried I noticed that it looked like there were dust particles in the dried paint. I then strained the paint, but it didn't really help a lot. I noticed that someone earlier said he had "goobers" in the paint. I'm wondering what would lessen these imperfections. Maybe the type of roller, or what? I don't think it is an issue of my shop cleanliness.I have a little orange peel, but I really like the shine. The dirt specks issue bothers me more than anything. I tried to call the brightside manufacturer, but I really hit a dead end trying to get technical help from these guys.

how did you clean the surface before painting? i highly reccommend using a autobody "tack cloth"; it's like a sticky cheese cloth, about $1 at any auto parts store. if you just clean the car with a rag there will be alot of dirt on the surface.