
you can rent every piece of the equipment to paint with or buy a gun(99.00 eastwood) and rent a compressor.you could buy the whole rig paint yours then charge to paint your buddys to recoupe some money
air resperator 25.0
no room, paint it outside, drys fast
enamal or lacquers are under 100.00 , paint whole car with 1/2 gallon or less
the race car paint was as good or better than my twin turbo stealth. hope the photo comes out good

how much does that add up to?

tha motivation of a paint job that's only $50 (with room for mistakes) is quite convincing, and tastes good to ppl of all budgets.

my uncle who used to be a paint & body repair man (retired), still gets his discount at this one paint store here. even with that discount, they still wanted well over $100 (was told price went up) just for a quart of Sherwin Williams paint. just for that, i haven't gotten to tha point where i even want to make an effort to paint my car anymore. that was a couple years ago.

after coming across this $50 paint job discussion, i've been well-motivated to "get 'er done!" i'm now just waiting for after valentines day to go by.
