
SO, I am still a little uncertain about what to do with the underneath side of the hood. What's everyone doing to paint the underneath side of the hood? Does rustoleum or brightside hold up well to the heat of the engine? Should I just use the high heat black engine paint or can the rustoleum or brightside handle the heat of the engine compartment?

i used rustoleum in an aerosol can. i didn't even prep my engine bay properly. i had tha engine out and removed every line, wiring, and almost every bolt. i used engine degreaser to clean tha engine bay and gave it overnight to dry. i used a total of 2 cans and 1 can of clearcoat. tha garage was very dusty and sandy. it still looks about tha same as tha week i did it. this was done about 2nd quarter of 2006. and since it's in tha engine bay, i think tha heat baked tha paint, helping it hold better.

engine bay
tha pic doesn't give it much justice, but it does look better in sunlight and after a quick wipe down with detailing wipes that i use from either megquiers or armor all.
