thats why i set up two tests.. im doing one coat a day on one spot.. and im doing 2 coats a day on another.. seeing how it works out..

i really need to find a digital camera.. so i can get u guys some pics.. it looks so cool on the plastic.. has a little differnt effect than the metal i think.. its pretty cool actually.. color looks great and i only put on one coat.. it covers everything with jsut one coat pretty much.. i think if i did the bare minimum.. i could get away with only 3 coats.. but i plan on doing 4 to six at least.. posibly up to 8.... im doing lots of testing on my door skin i had left over.. so far i got 3 differnt things going.. i did a thin coat that is going on once a day.. i did a thin coat going on twice a day , each of these will be sanded the next morning and process will continue.. and the third test is alot of paint just kind of slopped on with little care.. figured id try and see all sides of the spectrum.. and find solutions to deal with problems before i get to doing the real thing..

the main problem im worried about with doing my car.. is how to do all the little cracks and crevices... im thinking high density little foam brush.. and rub it thin.. i think thatll do it.. i wanted to start the car on saturday of this week.. and end it wensday of next week.. becuse otherwise i gotta wait a few more weeks.. so im hoping i can complete all my tests by friday.. tape off the car same day.. and get started doing the car on saturday.. would you guys say its best to put a coat on the whole car all at once.. or do differnt sections at a time..

exit do you happen to have any type of messanger? like aol instant messanger, yahoo messanger.. that way i can get faster responses if i need them...(sorry for spelling mistakes.. its form spending too much time on messanger programs.. lol)

hey .. i got some industrial strenght soap.. with like lemon stuff and sand in it.. works well. but does not get all the paint off my hands.. wats the best way to get it off..??

Last edited by ibshile; 06/21/06 12:36 AM.