
alright so you guys got me hooked.. i really wanna do this now.. so heres the del i got an extra door skin lying around so ill try it on tat and if all goes well ill do the car. approximately how long is it(its kinda my daily driver and my baby, jsut got the collector plates for it).. and if you could, can you do a step by step process. ive never painted a whole car, just a few simple parts. seeing as my panels are removable, i will prolly take them off and paint them seperatly. but if someon could do a step by step procces, tell me everythign i need, and were in the usa i can possibly get the supplies i will be all ready to go..

ps u guys rule

its all in the forums. i think the mods need to sticky a thread for the process or have an FAQ section LoL.

basically prep ur car, fix dings (if u konw how) and remove rust by sanding the car with a da 80grit. then go over with 120 then maybe something high like 400 range. so its a nice and smooth then tape off ur car, thin the paint until like water or some ppl are doing 30% mineral sprit and the rest paint, then paint it on using thin coats...verry thin, first few coats u'll be able to see through the paint. until about the 4th or 5th coat it'll start to hide and dont forget to wetsand between every 2 coats. once painted the desired amount of coats let the paint dry/cure for a day or 2 then u can either wax or let it dry for longer then spray on gloss clear coat then wax that.

im sure u konw wat supplies to use? if not i encourage u to read all 44 plus pages :P so u konw wat everyone did and wat u could do to make it work for u. u can spray it or roll it. process will take a few days to a week.