
For example, because that is an aero-effect I assume that it is plastic.

Did you sand all the original paint down to the plastic or possibly just expose that one patch of plastic where the failure occured ?

Yes its plastic and no I did not sand all the way down to the plastic. There are just two spots where that happened..but those are not the areas where I'm having that issue.


Did you primer the surface or go straight to paint ?

Went straight to the paint.


Was there any previous paint on there that might have been different then the rest of the original paint on that part ? Like say where some scrapes were previously sprayed with and aerosol "color match up" spray bomb ?

No previous paint, everything was original.


Did you wash down the sanded parts with water and a 'touch' of dish detergent ?

No, I washed down with mineral spirits, wiped with a lint-free cloth, then used a tack cloth before painting.


Did you give the part a final wipe down with a rag and mineral spirit to get any potential contaminants, grease, oil from your hands or remnants of the sanded paint etc ?

I was using latex gloves. I will admit I forgot to change them before painting.


Was the part thoroughly dry before you added the first layer of paint ? ( It's amazing what a hint of water embedded in the previously sanded surface might do to affect adhesion.

Completely dry before painting.


Dunno... I would probably sand that part smooth again... even if it meant removing the current coats of paint. Then... starting from scratch lay on a primer layer to begin with to ensure adhesion and a uniform color on to which to lay your paint color.

I can't think of too many other factors that would have cause that paint to separate from the original layer although we did notice earlier in this thread where one of the chaps had problmes with the paint on his front 'plastic' bumper because the mold release agent ( for when the bumber was manufactured ) was able to act as a barrier between the paint and the bumper..

Thank you for the reply and questions. It looks like I have to start over again..think goodness this was a test. I did however put on a third coat just to see what would happen. The other areas look fine and now I have a better grasp on how I should mix the paint and roll it on. Also the importance of wetsanding after say..the 2nd coat.