I hear you about spraying but my thinking right now is since I have the time, I will give the roller a try. For me, part of the project is the challenge. Also, I have many removable parts (all doors for one thing) that will allow me to lay them out.

I will be happy with what I think is called a 10-20 foot job, meaning up to that distance it looks pretty good. And remember, I'm in Mexico and if I have a kick-[Edited by Moparts - Keep it clean] show finish, I would be afraid to take the car out, not for theft, but damage. I had a truck back into my daily-driver (1993 Ford Escort Wagon) and took out a mirror and two windows. I simply kept going as is the custom here, but that's another story.

And also cost is a factor, if I can get a decent looking paint job for under US$500 including some body work, I'll be a happy camper. Plus, if it's a total disaster, I can then consider buying a cheap spray outfit and giving it a shot.

So now, I'll just muddle along and see how it goes.

Thanks for the input.