It doesn't seem to take much paint before you start getting orange peel pretty good. That is why I think a thin application is a must. You recall how hard the guys are saying this paint drys? Yeah, it takes a lot of sanding to get back to a smooth flat surface.

I really think a thin coat and minimal sanding is the way to go.

I use both the firm white rollers and the yellow ones and don't see a difference. I have been getting a little paint on the roller and pressing in out on the car. I take the semi dry roller and press pretty hard to spread the paint. Then finally very lightly with just the weight of the roller to finish the bubbles off. I find that by looking at a very low angle across the surface I can see pretty easily if the bubbles are pressed out or not.

This leaves me with a pretty flat surface, but...
I am having trouble getting the roller marks out. I have some lines where I overlap the roller and have a hell of a time getting rid of these. Any ideas? Will they wet sand out? Could this be because the roof is so [Edited by Moparts - Keep it clean] big I can't get all the way across it in one arm's length?