
SO, I am still a little uncertain about what to do with the underneath side of the hood. What's everyone doing to paint the underneath side of the hood? Does rustoleum or brightside hold up well to the heat of the engine? Should I just use the high heat black engine paint or can the rustoleum or brightside handle the heat of the engine compartment?

When I was younger, and didn't necessarily have a "SHOW" car, my buddies and I would use Rustoleum or Krylon paint under the hood. It was usually for cars with a black engine compartment. But even in a car with headers and that ran real warm on occasion, the heat didn't seem to be an issue. I am going to use rustoleum under the hood of my car again as I haven't seen an issue with reliability in the past.

I don't think that the manufacturers use anything different under the hood even when it is the same as the body color.