
I'm assuming with my car in primer and completely blocked and ready to spray - I should move on to the body shop. I want to use this technique, but I don't see how I can paint engine bay, underside of hood/deck, cowl with vents, etc and get the finish I wan't, unless I can spray these areas w/o orange peel? Would these paint jobs be considered 10 footers or are they equivalent to any good solid-colored (I'm thinking white) high-gloss paint job say, under shopping center lights at the evening cruise-in ?

Actually i can show you some pics of a cruise in, at night under shopping center lights (keep in mind i used my cell phone camera which is perty crappy but you can see what it looks like):

that's my charger next to a challenger vert.

Actually the 2 best conditions for this paintjob where they look killer is in full sun, or night. Overcast days make any car paint look crappy, you can see every flaw and dent/scratch. Your end result should you choose to accept this mission is going to be as good as you make it, my charger is a good 1-footer, maybe even better, and for the period of car it is, the paint is just as good if not better than it came from the factory. Aussiedriver proved that you can surpass OEM paint quality, and i'm sure his paint would be "show" quality, the moral is it will be as good in the end as your prep/paint/polishing skills.