That was using evercoat medium cut compound followed by megiuar's scratch remover follwed by meguiar's hand glaze.

I'm painting it canvas white. It'll look just as nice but the imperfections in the paint wont be as noticeable. This counts other light-colored scratches that may occur after it's painted that red would highlight.

GTSDave- thanks for the tip, but I can see myself spending more and more money on this trying to get it right only to end up frustrated and having spent too much on a $50 paint job.

At some point, I'll think I've put so much time and money into it that starting it wasn't worth it all when I could have just paid a few hundred and have it shot. One thing I'm glad about is that I saw the bodywork I missed with this red paint on it and I had a chance to fix it. I know I can get satisfactory results with white, and that will only cost me another $15 after I return the unused red paint, so that's the route I'm going.

I'll post some pics when there's no more red..