It seems like I can't get a good picture that would describe the orange peel. I would very HIGHLY suggest that you kind of do what I did. Get some brightside-from ebay,get a roller & try it! I think you will learn a ton about how this stuff works.Try some straight & some thinned maybe with 10 percent or so.(I used mineral spirits). I think that the type of roller, technique,etc... will make a difference. I must say that ther is some orange peel, but it is very acceptable to me. I could only really tell how much it was when I sanded it down. Ihave only been practicing on an old hood. I don't think you would want to try out this rollering technique until you have practiced on something first. I have been practicing and have probably sanded the straight brightside out and tried other dilutions and techniques.I found out that my body work imperfections showed up much worse than the orange peel concern-low spots,sanding scratches etc. . If I do get a decent picture I will try to get it on, but I haven't got a good one that would do justice to an evaluation.PS don't forget to get some foam brushes,good bristle brushes and try the tricky spots. You will be surprised how good a cheap foam brush applies this stuff around the curves and places hard to get with the roller.