
As the pic shows, there is lots of texture to the paint as it sits now. I'll wetsand it before going any further (if it dries with this texture). I would like to avoid orange peel altogether, but unless the paint is thinned more it seems like a challenge. I can try increasing the mineral spirits on my next run, but I'm afraid that will lead to more bubbles.

Since that is the first layer of Brightside over your previous Rustoleum coats, I would process this layer as being the base layer that you are now going to lay subsequent layers on. So definitely I would aim for perfecting this layer with your wet sanding so that the next two layers of Brightside will not amplify any visual imperfections. If you nail this initial layer of Brightside correctly it will make the subequent layers visually much better and with less texture.

In a worst case scenario... the cutting of the Brightside with mineral spirit, instead of the Interlux 'brushing liquid' ( product 333 I believe ) may play some role in the texture problem.

On my car I only did one layer cutting with mineral spirit ( because I had run out of the Interlux brushing thinner ). But I don't recall running into a texture problem. Possibly the fact that I was placing that Brightside layer on top of a previous Brightside layer might be the reason I didn't have a problem.

IF you again have a texture problem when you go to add your second Brightside layer over the prepped Brightside layer, I might lean towards suggesting that you lay down an uncut coat of Brightside over a wetsanded Brightside layer. That would rule out any possible interference from the mineral spirit solvent and provide you with a thicker Brightside layer to perfect with wetsanding for the subsequent layers.

