
Although I believe charger69 when he says waxing his paint immediately after finishing didn't hurt the paint, I don't believe it is the BEST way to do it. The best way to do it (my opinion) would be to wait the month or so until the paint is completely hard before you sand and buff.

the only reason why i reccommend the turtle wax polishing coumpound is because it yeilds a awesome shine without any chance of burning thru the paint, let's face it, most of these people trying this method are painting virgins, and to throw in buffing, it's a bit too much. buffing is a art in itself, and takes years of practice. if someone wants to do a paintjob themselves, and have little expirience, then if they follow my steps they will most likely be able to pull off a nice job. i have alot expirence in buffing, wetsanding and cutting new paint, for the tremclad/rustoleum process, waiting a month does nothing, the paint flashes in 1 day, after that it just gets harder but from my expirence does not "vent" after 1 day. i wax immedieatly after buffing, wait about 1 day for dry time, in the sun preferably, and then straight to wetsand and buff.

However i completely agree with all your statments, you obviously have alot of expirence in the buffing field, but i'm just trying to suggest the best, eaisiest, cheapest, most realiable way to buff tremclad/rustoleum; although your advise is dead on regarding auto paints be it single stage, or BC/CC. It's twice as eaiser to cut the paint after 1 day, if you wait more it would just take alot more time to buff, and i mean alot. Of course this is just advice from my expirence, but rubbing coumpound combined with a ele buffer would just burn the paint really quick, even after a month of drying time, i found waxing the paint right after buffing almost makes the shine permenant, and i do have the longterm results to prove it!!!! otherwise excellent advice on buffing for the more "advanced" users.