Latest test results...
Finished my floor repair, and put some of the left over paint on my test fender (I always end up mixing too much paint). Paint is Van Sickle tractor paint, straight from the can mixed about 8:1 with the urethane hardener. Here's the results:

Sorry the pictures aren't very good...I only have time to do this stuff at night, and it's hard to show a paint surface with a flash. This was painted with a Purdy 2" pro brush. The test area was ground to bare metal, and primed with SEM self-etching primer. This is the first coat of paint on the primer. It looks pretty good...not perfect, but pretty good. As-is, it would make a decent 10/10 paint job (10 feet/10 MPH) I managed to avoid any sags this time...the paint is too thick to really run. I had one forming, but I used to brush to sort of squeegee it and spread the paint back out. After a wet sand, it should be in pretty good shape. I'm pretty hopeful this could be a two coat paint job. There are some minor brush strokes to sand out. Personally, I'm liking the brush better than the can put the paint on a lot thicker without any orange peel.

There was also one spot on the upper half of the fender I did that was actually just about perfect. It looked like it was sprayed on . This stuff flows out really well, so I guess if you get just the right paint thickness, it will come out perfectly flat. The brush does take some practice to get the technique down, but so far I'm pretty impressed. I don't know if I'll have any time to sand it this weekend, but maybe. I'll post the results if I do.