Hello everyone, I was referred here by a friend and I rolled black Brightside on my '92 Nissan 240SX. Looking good, but I've been taking my sweet time getting it done. I started from white, and I got a solid, uniform color after only two coats. I'm about to apply my 4th right now, and I think I may be done after that, unless someone suggests that I continue further. I've used less than a quart and a half so far.

Oh, I bought some of the Pre-Kote, Interlux's own primer... mistake. It was $27 (vs. $33 for the actual paint), and I only used it in areas where I had rust that I took down to bare metal and/or bondoed. Oh well.

Regarding the advice that you should not expose the final coat to any rain for a week, why is this? Letting it set for 24 hours makes sense, but Brightside dries hard very quickly (IIRC Interlux quotes like 12 hour recoat times, or less). I've also heard that you shouldnt sand or polish the top coat for a week or so as well, is this true of Brightside as well?

Pictures coming soon.

Last edited by Hype; 09/20/06 06:10 PM.