
Can Marq or anyone who has used brightside comment on the hardness? I was hoping my rustoleum would be 'rock hard' by now, but I can still put an indentation in it by slicing it with my fingernail. I don't know how this will affect polishability (I guess it would?) but I don't like the fact that it isn't 'rock hard' yet, after 2 months or so...


I am wondering now if putting the paint on too thin makes it not has hard as it could be? I put thin layers on my car, and can dent/slice the paint with my nail...

I'm dissatisfied with the hardness of the finish, and I'm considering either spraying the whole car with Rustoleum + mineral spirits, or trying boat paint with a roller...

Glad this is just a hobby and not my livelihood, or I'd be bankrupt by now...


By the way, I took my fingernail to the sprayed on rustoleum in my door jambs, and if I press hard enough it comes off. So I'm looking for something HARD at this point if I am going to repaint it...

Looks like you guys are finally seeing the problems I talked about a few months ago...The info given on this forum goes from guess work to just plain BS!

I painted my car with "real" auto paint and here's a couple of observations for you:

a. You CANNOT paint over soft paint...if you do not remove it, it will have an adverse reaction with the two-part paint.

b. You can roll on auto paint...after adding hardener it will last about 2 hours before hardening beyond use...the upside, you can mix as little as a few ounces at a time so drying before rolling shouldn't be a problem...

Try this web page for good reasonably priced paint. It's where I orderd mine and i'm extremely happy with it...Chuck