
Hi All,

I'm yet another lurker of this thread...

Have been in the process of painting a project vespa using Brightside...

The info on here has been most helpful....

Sadly it seems I haven't been as methodical as I should have been....

I'm experiencing a load of orange peel.... I have managed to sand the surface smooth...I see a dull surface with no shiny bits head on... but when I tilt the panel in the light I can still see what I think is orange peel, there are bits of shiny...

So, my question is, if I go and roll another layer of paint, will this ever-so-faint orange peel disappear?


the answer is no

sand all the peel out now, or you'll just take 1 step forward and 2 back. peel will never go away, even if it's slight, as soon as you put that next shiny layer or paint it will act like a magnifying glass and peel will be alot more evident. try to apply thinner coats until you cut the peel down to just a tiny bit, that you can sand out really quickly, remember each coat adds more peel. try expirementing with your thinned mixture, and only proceed on the hood for example until you find that "sweet spot", then do the whole car so you don't do double the work.