
I went on Rustoleums site, and they only sell the Canadian Tremclad in a brush on clear

Darn. I knew I didn't see any at Home Depot or Walmart. The can stuff definitely goes on better.

I sprayed a test coat Rusto Clear on the trunk lid that I scraped all the clear coat off of (after buffing with Turtle Wax Polish) and it worked pretty well, but doesn't level as nicely as the roll on. If it ever stops raining and we get some more of that global warming I will see how it wet sands and polishes. By the way that big blob to the right of the 780 badge is where the previous owner did some touch-up with some kind of paint that doesn't peel off nicely like the clear coat. I hesitated to sand the original base coat, but that has to come off, and polishing compound won't do it.

I will be in Canada for a few days next month. Maybe I will drop into a Canadian Tire Store. I wonder if I can transport that stuff on a plane in my suitcase?

Last edited by smyrna5; 01/21/07 02:14 PM.