Check out my (soon to be) pimping whip!

Put the first coat of paint on my ghetto wheels today. I started yesterday thinking that after one or two hours of work I'd be ready to paint. Boy was I wrong. Grinding and filling took much longer than I had hoped. I was using polyester finishing putty rather than the regular Bondo and it was hardening up too fast. In fact I finally said enough was enough and threw down my first coat of paint. I did the prep sanding with 320 and 400 grit and wiped the car down with wax and grease remover.

And it already looks fantastic!

Paint went down smoooooth. In fact I only used 3/4 of a cup of paint mixed with a measured 15% mineral spirits to do the first coat.

I can't believe how smooth and even the first coat went down. I am guessing the by the second or third coat I will have achieved a solid colour.

I will have to go back and finish the body work later. In fact one of the reasons I never fixed the problems earlier was I knew I could never properly match the metallic paint on the car - now not an issue with the Tremclad Dark Blue.

The one thing I will pass along is that the time and effort involved may at the end of the whole thing make a $200 MACCO job feel like a bargain.

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