
Has anyone (Marq?) wetsanded then polished the brightside yet?

I have not yet begun the final wetsand/polish on my car, but I know the paint still scratches (yep, with my fingernail) - not that it scratches all the way off, but it leaves a scratch.

Funny thing I've noticed is that when I've used rustoleum in spray cans, and even when I mixed some spray together in my refillable spray can, the paint has dried VERY hard in a matter of days or a week. I can't leave indentations in it with my fingernails like I can with the rolled on stuff.

That seems odd, I would of assumed it shouldn't scratch, me and you are pretty much in the same weather and my friends car was almost fully dry and scratch test proof after a few days. Maybe since we were putting it on a bit thicker, who knows.