
I'd like to share my observations-

9) Each color is a bit different. I used a test fender and tried Gloss Black, Sail Blue, Regal Red and Smoke Gray. All of the "Stops Rust" variety.

10) All turned out well, but here are some thoughts. The Smoke Gray and Sail Blue hid imperfections better than Regal Red and Gloss Black. Regal Red will take more than 7 coats to cover (this has been talked about already) Gloss Black can be done, but it has a very small margin for error.

I am glad that you did this side by side comparision. It pretty well confirms what I have suspected about the Fire Red paint. It is probably the hardest to work with because it has the weakest color pigment of the color range. It probably takes two or three times more coats to effectively lay it down and get full coverage.

Black may reveal imperfections in the bodywork... but at least it provides faster coverage in less coats than the Fire Red.

I am on my sixth coat of the Fire Red and at this point I figure I will probably need at least 2 more coats to finally provide 100% coverage of my car so that you can no longer see the white of the fiberglass or the black of the primer that lays below it.

Fire Red is a sharp color but possibly it should only be attempted by those who have the maximum of patience and plenty of time to spare on their project car.

I like how it is turning out... but I was thinking wispfully the other day how much simpler life would have been if I had gone with straight high-gloss black or Arctic White ( Glacier White ) - in order to get the benefit of quicker coverage.

Just thought I would share this thought so that anyone considering Fire Red might be forewarned

Fire Red needs MORE pigments ( solids ).


Last edited by Marq; 06/25/06 10:03 PM.