I think the the car you are reffering to is the black miata that Ausie Driver did? If so, he did not use Rustolean paint from what I recall reading from the many posts. He used some other paint that was available locally to him at the time. It wasn't rusto. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I think the best way to go about doing this roller job to make it look like a SS is to paint the car WHITE with many thin layers sanding in between and then applying a clear cloat to top it off. I think that's the route I'm going to take. I'm also going to be using the original recipe of Tremclad instead of Bridghtside/Rusto paint. It seems Charger has proven its durability.

The only thing that scares me is that the paint takes a long time to harden and its easy to scratch off. I think applying thin coats and allowing adequate time between each coat to dry is the key to avoid the paint from becoming "scratchable." I think I will allow each layer to dry for 2 days until the next one is applied. This should be sufficient drying time.


What happened to Ausie Driver's car is what scares me about using the rusto paint. Whan I saw that I was sad for you man that stinks. Maybe the brightside paint which is made for using on pleasure boats and surfaces that are always soaking wet might deal with this water issue better. It almost seems to me that a clear coat would be the thing to keep the paint from going dull or changing a color shade all together say from (black to grey) or (red to pinkish) when getting rained on. Like I said maybe the brightside is the way to go I don't know. I have seen this paint have color fade once before. When my dad painted his 14 foot jon boat with (satin)forest green rusto. paint. It rained and the water sat on the boat in spots say overnight and it turned a lighter green where the puddles layed. So maybe a test is in order for me to try rusto with clear coat , brightside with no clear on some sheetmetal. Let them withstand the elements for a while and see which one comes out on top before I tackle my whole car. So when the paint job is all said and done I can rest at night. Knowing if my car sat in the sun for the day or got wet from the rain I won't have wasted my time and can get a couple years out of this paint job. Like I've said before I think this idea is just great. I just want it to work for me 110% like it did for 69charger. Heck maybe he can just paint (roller) my ride for me for say $5,000!!!!!! OUCH so much for "paint job on a budget" cheers fellas (have fun on your projects I know I am.)JAY