
I wonder if the results people are ranting and raving about (according to the guy you talked to) are straight applied from the can, or if they are hardened with the additive.

You know, I forgot to ask him about the hardener, but I sent him an email with that question after our phone conversation. I'll let you all know as soon as I get more info on that.

Beaulieu: I've dealt with a lot of salesmen, and I can smell them from a mile away. The guy I talked to really didn't sound like a salesman at all. He sounded more like a techie. This is not a large company like Rustoleum, and I get the impression he doesn't do sales. I asked for someone who could answer technical questions, and I got him.

Nevertheless, the proof will be in the test results. We'll see what happens when the paint arrives. Unfortunately, I've never brushed or rolled Rusto or Brightside, so I won't be able to give you a direct comparison any time soon.

Remember: There were a lot of people who said Charger's rolling method sounded too good to be true.